In some cases, ulcers are caused by bacteria that cause bad breath. Researchers reported in ScienceDaily, important scientific journal in the world, confirming that the bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) that causes stomach ulcers, can cause bad breath in the mouth. Fortunately antibiotics offer an effective treatment for eliminating bacteria that cause stomach ulcer.
There are conflicting reports of the ulcer itself does not cause bad breath, since the H. pyori has no unpleasant odor. However, the above study showed that patients with H. pylori were also Prevotella intermedia, one of the known periodontal bacteria. If you have bad breath and ulcers, check with your doctor if they are related.
reflux Problems
Another cause of bad breath due to the stomach is the problem of gastroesophageal reflux. This problem is caused by acid from the stomach causing a burning sensation in the chest and throat. According to Nemours, one of the symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) is bad breath. It can also cause demineralization tooth because the acid from the stomach to go mouth and weaken the teeth. The damage caused to the throat and mouth structures can also cause bacteria to grow in the mouth.
Patients with GERD have other symptoms as well, so a parallel treatment in dental treatment is needed. For those who have a suspect GERD, you must seek the help of a doctor to evaluate the reflux problem. With proper treatment you can usually end up with bad breath.
Is it really that bad?
Many people think they have bad breath, but do not actually have. Although a test to detect the presence of sulfur can be done, typically clinicians assess the situation based on location odor. If there is bad breath, check for decay or periodontal disease. The treatment of these problems usually end up with bad breath.
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