segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2016

How Teens Can Keep Healthy Teeth And Bright?


The best way to have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile is to continue with good oral hygiene habits acquired in childhood.

Regardless of the use of orthodontic appliances, the important thing is:

Brushing teeth at least three times a day using a fluoride toothpaste for removing plaque, which is the major cause of gingivitis and caries.

Floss daily to remove plaque installed between the teeth and under the gum line. If plaque is not removed daily, it can harden into tartar, a yellowish substance and unsightly.

Limit your intake of sugar and foods containing starch, especially gooey (that stick to the surface of the teeth).

Consult your dentist regularly for professional examination and cleaning or prophylaxis.

A neat and well cared for mouth not only prolongs the life of the teeth but also makes the individual feel good, with fresh breath and a more beautiful smile.

On what special issues related to the teeth, young people should be informed?

Dental problems can occur in adolescence and, unfortunately, they do happen. With more information on topics that affect oral health, the choices become easier.

Orthodontics - Many pre-teens and teens require braces to correct misplaced teeth or too close together, and poor jaw alignment. It is more difficult to care for teeth that do not fit well. These teeth are at risk need to be extracted and cause extra stress on muscles of mastication. The evaluation of an orthodontist can determine if you need braces, and what the correct treatment. The use of brushing apparatus requires even more stringent.

mouthguards If you play sports, these guards are essential to protect your smile. Mouth guards typically cover the upper teeth and are made to prevent them from being traumatized, the lips suffer cuts or other possible damage from occurring in your mouth. If you use braces or prosthesis in the lower jaw, your dentist may suggest that you also use a guard for the lower teeth.

Nutrition - Nutrition plays a key role in your dental health. The sugars and starches in many foods and beverages contribute to the formation of bacterial plaque, which destroys tooth enamel. Reduce the intake of snacks and soft drinks. Each time you consume foods and drinks that contain sugars or starches, acids attack your teeth for 20 minutes or more. The adoption of a balanced diet, based on the five food groups can make a big difference to the health of your mouth. As snack, choose nutritious foods, such as cheese, raw vegetables, yoghurt or fruit.

Smoking - If you do not smoke or chew tobacco or, resist and do not start these habits. They can stain your teeth and gums become stronger tartar stain that builds up on the teeth and produce bad breath, and other health problems. Over time, smoking and tobacco chewing habits increase the risk of gum disease and mouth cancer. If you do use tobacco, let your dentist and your doctor and let him know if there is any dental problem.

"Piercing" in the mouth - despite its popularity, this kind of "piercing" can cause complications such as infections, uncontrollable bleeding or damage to a nerve. You also run the risk of choking on pins and rings. Metal jewelry can damage your teeth and your gums. If you are thinking of doing "piercing" oral, talk to your dentist. It can help you make a safer choice.

eating disorders - bulimia (overeating and vomiting) and anorexia (excessive fear of gaining weight often resulting in vomiting) are serious health issues that directly affect the appearance of teeth by eroding the enamel. The dentist can correct the deteriorated enamel, but it can not treat the eating disorder, which can lead even to death and should be treated with a psychologist. If you have - or think you have - a disorder of this kind, talk to your doctor.

What to do to make my teeth whiter?

A good cleaning or prophylaxis, made by your dentist, remove most external staining caused by food and tobacco. The use of a special whitening toothpaste can also help remove these stains until the time of your next appointment. If your teeth are stained for a long time, you may have to make a professionally whitened to them.

Internal stains can be bleached or covered (crown). All these methods are safe and bring good results. Your dentist may recommend the appropriate treatment depends on the state of your teeth and the desired results.

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