segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2016

Hair follicles die?

There have been a belief that after a few years without any hair born hair follicles are dead, that is to say incapable of generating wires and produce new cells.

Folículos capilares não morrem

This idea has been reinforced by many specialists, doctors and researchers. In fact the common observation is that especially men when they start to get bald for reduction and quality of the hair, the process is almost always irreversible. Over time the bald areas increase and never grow again wires.

However some cases we know of this theory deny the death of hair roots, strengthened now by this new study carried out at the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Nevada School of Medicine.

This case published in a specialty journal reveals a man of 73 years old, bald from 28 years fully recovered his hair.

This man developed cirrhosis in the liver and has been treated over 6 years with spironolactone. The spironolactone is a diuretic and an antiandrogen moderate effect for systemic use in men. In the last three months his hair began to grow in all its head after 45 years of baldness. The photos of the study show impressive growth and hair abundance, in a similar style to that of former US President Ronald Reagan.

The androgenic effect leads to the decrease of the wire to the point where they cease to be visible and have no cosmetic effect induce a progression of capillary fibrosis, i.e., hardening of collagen by chronic inflammation that occurs in root in the presence high levels of the hormone / hormone DHT (See our previous articles for a better understanding of the causes and effects of DHT).

The longer the time is more advanced the state of the capillary fibrosis and more difficult to become the reversible process, but in this case 6 years that this man made spironolactone permit to eliminate the causes and backward hardening the collagen.

The problem of hair loss can be mitigated and treated using antiadrogénicos oral medications as:
Propecia finasteride active ingredient;
Avodart active ingredient dutasteride;

Almost all have some less desirable side effects, and in our case the spironolactone is very toxic causing loss of muscle mass, decreased libido, breast growth, fatigue etc.
In our other articles we have also published some studies with a more natural approach to this problem, with fewer adverse effects and some promising results, particularly if used early.

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