sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2016

all about eating disorders


The world today asks people to be thin, beautiful and young. On the other hand, it provides them with high-calorie, delicious and desirable food. So around the world, there is more than one and a half billion obese, which generates great discontent in these people. Thus, increasing cases of eating disorders, which are primarily generated by psychological reasons. So, know the main ones:

Types of Eating Disorders
The most common types of eating disorders are bulimia, anorexia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) for food. Not all of these disorders have the effect of slimming, but also obesity because cause patients never feel satisfied.

Bulimics feel a great urge for food, usually by caloric. So eat excessively. But after all the gorging, appears the feeling of guilt and do everything to eliminate the calories ingested as induction of vomiting, the use of laxatives, diuretics or enemas and excessive physical exercise.

Anyone who suffers from bulimia maintains the same weight because despite eating excessively, free up the calories ingested quickly. However, with continued long-term problem, they may suffer from lesions in the esophagus and teeth, constipation, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, tooth decay and dehydration.

Treatment for bulimia should be multidisciplinary, involving three professionals: psychologist to verify traumatic origins, nutritionist to help in the formulation of healthy menus and endocrinologist for treatment of the regions affected by the disorder.

Anorexia is an eating disorder that can lead to death with their consequences. This disorder causes people, usually teenagers and young women, think always being overweight, even though well below the ideal for their age and height.

So, they stop to feed or eat very little and force so that the food is excreted by the body, either through vomiting or stool. To do so, place your finger in the throat or use laxatives. Some patients refuse to eat around other people and do many physical activities to lose weight.


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